Online Arabic


Arabic languageThe pedagogical approach of Arabic Online can be described as a cognitive constructivist approach to learning, in particular language learning, which is combined with the currently available technology of desktop/laptop computers, tablet computers and smartphones.

Why learns Arabic?

Arabic is an important world language and the reasons to learn the language is countless.

  • Arabic is one of the six official working languages of the United Nations.
  • It is the mother tongue of some 325 million people.
  • The Arabic speaking world and, in particular the Gulf states, are
  • the fifth biggest trading partners for the EU.
  • Arabic is a language considered to be of ‘critical importance’ by
  • various government agencies around the world.

Our teams of teachers are Moroccans are here to teach you our native language:

Not only will our certified and experienced professional teachers help you develop your language skills, but they will also enrich you culturally with their testimonies as actual globetrotters. Classes take place online via webcam (on ZOOM, Skype, or other communication tools).

Schedules will be adapted and discussed between the student and the teacher.

Are these classes for youngsters? Children? Adults? Age does not matter! Languages are a means of communication with no age limit or border.

  •  Why Learns Arabic?

The advantage of online classes is that you can access them from all around the world! Borders disappear and you don’t even have to get in a car to untie your tongue! Students, globetrotters, expats, or just interested in a new language? Our online classes are made for you!

  • Are you currently studying Arabic or travelling to an Arabic country or about to go on a volunteering project?  You don’t dare go abroad because you think your language skills aren’t up to it? DON’T PANIC! Our online classes were created to help you improve your skills.
  • Are you a student? Are you stressed out because your language exams are rapidly approaching, and you haven’t done any revisions? DON’T PANIC! Come and get your head down with our competent teachers and blow that exam away! For all levels!

Our teachers adapt to your level and give you one on one classes. Be you a beginner or already speaking confidently, you can profit from our online classes! The advantage is that the classes are tailored to your level and your needs and you can ask to develop the skills that you would like to improve. Another advantage is there is no set timetable and you can schedule your classes directly with your teacher.


Steps to start online classes:

  • Send us a request via our website or to
  • Take the short language test we send you.
  • Fill in the application form we send you, and send it back with your test results.
  • Then we will get back to you and put you in touch with your teacher!

   How much does it cost?

The first class is free! Usually on the 1st meeting the student and the teacher gets to know each other, the learner’s language level is assessed, and their motivation and goals are clarified.


           If you enjoyed your first class, take the “NORMAL PACK”.
