CSM Is A Non-Profit NGO Created In 1963. We Are A Full Member Of:
– UMAC , Moroccan Union Of Work Camps Association.
– Associations Space.
– UMAV, Maghreb Union Of Volunteering Action.
– ICYE, International Cultural Youth Exchange.
– Foundation Anna Lindh.

CSM Is Also A Partner Of The European Alliance Of Work Camps Associations.
Our aim is to work towards an inclusive society rich of volunteering culture and citizenship spirit, using voluntary work to promote peace and inclusion and eliminating prejudices, raising awareness of the importance of volunteering and the need to its recognition and strengthening the capacity of the population to contribute to society sustainable development.

is a world of peace, social justice and sustainable development, where all people live together with mutual respect and without recourse to any form of violence to solve conflict
Our Core Values
To Achieve Our Missions, We Work On:
– Implementing Projects Dealing With Local Population Needs Such As, Global Education, Capacity Building, Youth Activities, Protection Of Environment, Health…
– Encouraging Young People To Join The Associative Work , Participating Actively To Its Activities , Improving Their Capacity Building And Ensure The Sustainability Of The Associative Movement.
– Foster The Local And International Youth Meeting Without Distinction Of Race, Social Status, Or Any Other Disadvantages, So As To Communicate And Set Up A Global Intercultural Leaning And Peace All Around The World.
– Strengthen The Associative Governance And Contribute To Its Empowerment So As To Achieve Its Mission In A Democratic Way.
– Work For The Recognition Of The Voluntary Service And Non-Formal Education…

Extraordinary Experiences
CSM Works With Youth For An Inclusive Society, Promoting Voluntary Work As A Tool For Non-Formal Education In Order To Achieve Sustainable Development In Our Society.
Extraordinary Experiences
CSM Works With Youth For An Inclusive Society, Promoting Voluntary Work As A Tool For Non-Formal Education In Order To Achieve Sustainable Development In Our Society.

CSM mission

Values in CSM
we are working towards having every volunteer project, meeting, exchange or training in line with our common values:

In the sense of acting out of self-initiative, without seeking material reward and for the benefit of civil society, as a method and a statement for social change, whilst never competing with paid labor nor seeking to contribute to strike-breaking.

As a principle and a method

To be open and inclusive to all individuals who share the aims and objectives of the Movement, without regard to gender, color, religion, nationality, social status or political views, or any other possible grounds for discrimination.

Providing people with means (knowledge, tools) to understand and act to transform the social, cultural and economic structures that affect their lives at all levels.

With local communities as well as other local, national and international actors to strengthen the positive potential within civil society as a whole.

Human Rights
Respect for individuals as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

International solidarity for a more just world and solidarity between human beings on all levels.

Respect for the environment
Respect for the environment and the ecosystem of which we are a part and on which we are dependent.
watch this video to know more about us
If you are interested, file the form we will call you back as soon.
be in touch
- contact@icyecsm.org
- +212 655-832272
- Rue Al Mouahidin, Hassan, Rabat, 10000